YouTube Tips

What is YouTube Marketing and my best tips for you!

Youtube marketing tips

YouTube marketing is the term used to describe the process of using YouTube to promote businesses and products. Essentially, it entails uploading valuable videos to a company’s YouTube channel or utilizing YouTube advertisements to promote a business or product on the YouTube platform respectively.

When you first hear about YouTube marketing, you may wonder what on earth it is. But once again, the question that would be at the back of your mind would be YouTube. Wrong! For millions of small businesses (and more importantly, thousands) who use YouTube, this would be YouTube alone. But for many large companies (and just as many smaller companies) who use it regularly, YouTube would be their second home. So to do that, you have to know how YouTube marketing is different from other social platforms and how you can use that to your advantage. It is a fact that there are a great number of people who use YouTube. 

Based on what I’ve learned, YouTube marketing really can be broken down into three simple steps:

  • Design a strong content strategy.
  • Develop a keyword-rich title/video.
  • Submit your video to YouTube and then generate traffic using YouTube.

What is YouTube Creator Academy?

YouTube Creator Academy by Google is the most comprehensive (free) YouTube marketing tool available. The fact that it’s free makes it an easy choice for budding entrepreneurs to jump into marketing YouTube channels and get up and running as fast as possible. If you’re already established, this product will provide you with tons of helpful information and resources that will help you optimize your YouTube channels for higher search engine rankings.

First, you will want to optimize your videos for YouTube Marketing. This is where most people get lost. Optimizing your videos is very easy, but you need an SEO strategy if you want to see some success with your YouTube marketing campaign. If you optimize your videos for YouTube Marketing and optimize the title/description for the same keywords and the same phrase, you can see some fantastic results regarding getting organic traffic. Based on what I’ve learned and what I’ve seen, all you should do to get started with YouTube is actually design a good keyword-rich title/video.

YouTube Creator Academy by Google actually has a YouTube video tutorial series that walks you through everything you need to know. In my opinion, if you have basic web skills and decent video editing skills, it’s really not that difficult to design a good YouTube channel that makes money.

How to Optimize the Channel?

But how do you optimize the chanenel? Here are the 4 things that I would suggest you do:

  • Upload as many high-quality videos as possible related to your business opportunity. You don’t want to donate an arm and a leg – or even a ton – just to upload quality videos and generate more targeted traffic.
  • You should not just upload any old random video. What you need to do, rather than submitting any old videos that you find online, is to submit unique videos that provide good value to your audience. High-quality and unique videos will out-rank other videos on YouTube, so it’s essential to make sure that yours stands out.
  • Upload your best videos.
  • Remember that YouTube is about watching, not looking.

Start creating content related to your YouTube marketing strategy. This way, when people find your videos, they will be searching for information related to what you have to offer on your YouTube channel. When someone searches for something and comes across your YouTube channel, they are more likely to click on your link on a page related to the search. So start uploading videos about your products, reviews of them, etc.

Get involved in the community around your channel. Help build the trust that people have in you and your YouTube Marketing strategy by answering questions, promoting your links, and making comments on other people’s videos. Building trust is what you will need if you want to get started with YouTube Marketing.

Start monetizing your channel. Offer subscriptions to your YouTube videos for a monthly fee. The idea is to gain enough subscriptions so that you can create videos on demand and still make money off of them. The great thing about having a paid membership is that you won’t lose subscribers that didn’t opt-in. This one stuff will make or break your YouTube marketing strategy.

Our Verdict

Finally, be consistent. YouTube Marketing is a very competitive business. You have to remain on top of your competition, or you will be slipping through the cracks. So don’t stop developing your YouTube marketing strategy and watch your stats. If you see steady growth in your audience, then start investing more into your videos because this is a platform where your audience is king.



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